Case Management in Arkansas
Case Managers are trained to provide you with all the information you need about services and benefits available to seniors in your area. The main goal of Case Management is to help seniors remain independent and in their own homes for as long as possible. Our Case Managers provide a single point of contact to evaluate your needs and monitor the progress of your services to ensure that your needs are being fully met.
A Case Manager will come to your home to assess your physical, medical, mental, and emotional needs and recommend the correct services for your case. Your Case Manager is also qualified to help you navigate the often overwhelming task of applying for benefits and programs for which you may be eligible.
If any changes in your services are needed, your Case Manager will be able to help you navigate the process of obtaining access to those services.
How Much Does Case Management Cost?
Your Case Manager will assess your individual needs, provide information about the senior services available in your area, and help you apply for those services and benefits completely free of charge.
What Does Case Management Look Like?
After your initial assessment, your Case Manager will be able to help you combine all of the services available to you into one comprehensive care program. It may combine any or all of the following services:
Care Planning and Management
- Development of your personalized care plan based on your individual needs as identified through a comprehensive assessment
- Coordination of any social and medical services that may be required including those available through AAAWCA or other non-AAA sources
- Communication and coordination with family support
- Ongoing care management, monitoring, and follow-up
General Referral Services
We will refer you to service providers or communicate with them on your behalf to secure the services outlined by your personalized care plan. This includes financial, legal, housing, and healthcare services.
Ordering Medical Supplies (DME)
We can offer you alternatives in ordering and receiving medical supplies. We can have incontinence supplies such as briefs, liners and underpads; bedside commodes; walkers; canes; and other assistive or medically necessary products shipped directly to your home.
Application Assistance
We are more than happy to assist you with your Social Security, Medicaid, and/or Medicare applications.
Legal Assistance
If you need help with a specific legal issue or if you need an advocate to support you, we can provide you with advice and assistance on legal issues such as living wills, property disputes, and problems involving personal finances or Social Security.
If your legal issues require more specialized attention, we will refer you to a trusted legal assistance program or law firm.
Home Delivered Meals
Home Delivered Meals are available to seniors unable to leave their homes due to illness, disability, or frailty. You must meet the eligibility requirements to qualify.
Veteran Programs
Veterans may be eligible for special resources and benefits in your area. Our Case Managers will be able to help you determine if Veterans’ Assistance will help provide for services for you or your loved one.
Home Care Programs
We will work with you, your loved ones, and your physician to create a care plan tailored to your individual needs.
Once the care plan is established, our trained home care attendant will provide those services. These services include assistance with personal hygiene, housework, shopping, transportation, meal preparation, (limited) pet assistance or care, medication assistance, dressing, laundry, and socialization.
Housing Assistance
We can help you find an assisted living facility or an affordable housing option that works for your lifestyle and medical needs. Some Area Agencies on Aging offer their own housing options.

What You Need to Know
- Our Case Manager can help you coordinate care from Agency Services or other community services
- We can help you apply for all benefits for which you are eligible
- Coordinating services are at no cost to you
Find Coordinated Care Services Near Me
If you or your loved one are interested in coordinated care services in Arkansas, contact your Area Agency on Aging’s Information and Assistance team. Just select your region and we will direct you to the appropriate contact information. We will put you in touch with one of our Case Managers and they will go over your needs and help you develop a personalized care plan.